Xylofutur, Generating Competitiveness

Xylofutur is the national innovation cluster for the forest-wood based sector in France, bringing together around 250 members (academia, companies, forest owners and local authorities), and covering the whole value chain, from the forest management to any wood-based applications and digital-driven innovation for the sector.
The forest-wood sector has major advantages at the economic, ecological, and industrial levels, and the main role of Xylofutur is to support its members in their commitment and development in this sector. The cluster brings together academic and economic stakeholders to develop innovative collaborative projects, thus supporting the development and growth of its members. Xylofutur also supports the development of European activities, allowing its members to access new markets and apply for new funding schemes.
Strategic areas
In order to boost innovation in the forest-wood based sector Xylofutur is organised around three core strategic areas:
– Tree and forest:
Competitive wood production and supply for industries as end-users
– Wood:
Transformation and use of wood as material, with furniture, construction, and packaging as major markets
– Chemistry-Energy:
Development of wood as a source of fibres (primary raw material for bio-based chemistry), thermal engineered applications or CO² storage.

By covering these strategic areas, the expertise of Xylofutur covers the whole value chain, being thus able to provide a large and comprehensive number of services to its members:
Comprehensive advisory support
(to accelerate time to market):
– Connecting academia, technical centres and companies
– Support accessing regional, national or European funding
– Support to mature innovation projects
– Access to experts (project review, seal of quality)
– Access to networks (including investors, funding agencies)
Communication & events
– B2B fairs, business meetings, workshops, conferences
– Dissemination and enhanced visibility
– Increasing the participation of Xylofutur and its members in European projects
– Positionning Xylofutur and its members in different European networks (research, innovation, entrepreneurship) and groups of experts/thematic groups
Start-ups Network
Xylofutur also hosts La WoodTech, a network created to support the development of start-ups from the forest-wood based sector and offer them opportunities for higher visibility and faster growth.

Latest european projects
EGURALT – Interreg Sudoe Programme project
EGURALT will make it possible to apply and disseminate innovative solutions for the promotion of mid-rise timber construction in the SUDOE area, thus contributing to the global fight against climate change by promoting the use of natural materials from sustainable and renewable sources.
The EGURALT project is co-financed by FEDER funds within the framework of the Interreg SUDOE program. It has a FEDER budget of 1.011.562,20 €
Results of the IMIP – Interreg Sudoe Programme project
Innovative Eco-Construction System Based on Interlocking Modular Insulation Wood & Cork-Based Panels
Design, validation and implementation of an ecological construction system based on natural biological materials to improve energy efficiency in public buildings, contributing to the mitigation of climate change.
The IMIP project is co-financed by the Interreg Sudoe program and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
Total eligible cost: € 1,326,162.88
ERDF fund: € 994,622.63